"We must not tire, we must not give up, we must persist.” Professor Wangari Muta Maathai

Deforestation in Mount Kenya

Deforestation affects Species Diversity.

Over the past 3 centuries, about half of the world forest has been removed due to croplands,pastures and settlement. Forest losses is greatest in Africa as bout 8% is lost eve decade. Kenya has been facing the worst kind of the deforestation due settlement, logging and building of infrastructure. The many effects of deforestation such as environment degradation, climate change and reduction of endemic and keystone species richness. 
Species is decreased due to habitat loss as a result of deforestation for example, Swarm-raiding army ants are considered keystone species of tropical forest ecosystems because of the effects of their raids on the animal fauna and because many vertebrate (e.g. ant-following birds) and invertebrate species (a plethora of insects living in their colonies) depend upon them (Gotwald 1995Peters & Okalo 2009).

 A two-year study is the first to investigate the intuitive assumption that hives placed near a forest yield more honey than those placed further away, which indirectly suggests that bee activity is affected by proximity to a forest. We also investigated for the first time whether the biochemical quality of honey is influenced by distance from a forest.

Deforestation leads to a positive feedback as all species that leave in the forest lose habitat. 
Original Chart.


  1. This section is really well organized and breaks down your topic so that it can be easily understood by virtually any reader.

  2. Just a reminder to be sure and include an original figure... but I'm guess you'll be doing that in your data section.

  3. Thank you so much. This post is just an overview of a major environmental organization that is dealing with deforestation issue in Kenya.

  4. Wow, is this a real program that you are endorsing? It is very convincing!

  5. Also, I'm not sure why I can't comment on the "environmental issues" page, but I was just going to say that it's really scattered! And,just a minor suggestion to change the order of the "primary literature" page last

  6. Huyen Khuong, I embedded the comments under setting for the overall blog but it looks like I have to allow comments for every page. Thanks for your input. Yes, this a program that got started in Kenya and now it is expanding to other part of Africa to deal with issue of deforestation.
